Εγγραφή | Είσοδος

>Αλληλογραφία Της ΠΕΦΝΙ-Ένωσης Με Την ΕΑΗΡ Για Την Panhellenic Scientific Union Of Greek Hospital Pharmacists




>Αλληλογραφία της ΠΕΦΝΙ-Ένωσης με την ΕΑΗΡ (European Association of Hospital Pharmacists) για την PSUGHP (Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital Pharmacists)


From: Frontini, Roberto 
Date: 2009/6/21
Subject: Question by Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital pharmacists
To: Leonidas Tzimis

Dear Leonidas,

EAHP got an application for membership by the Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital pharmacists.

As your organisation is member of EAHP I would like to have the opinion of your board on this application.

Please feel free to contact me any time if you have questions.

Looking forward to your answer

With kind regards.

Roberto Frontini
President od EAHP


ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝ Fwd: Question by Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital pharmacists

Leonidas Tzimis 21 Ιούνιος 2009 10:51 πμ
Προς: PEFNI – ΠΕΦΝΙ Γραμματέας 
Κοιν.: AVGERINOS Nikos, DEDE Zoi , LAKKAS Nikos, MAKRIDAKI Despina, TSIATA Aikaterini, TSIKALAKI Irene, VAIOPOYLOS Apostolos

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι,

Σας κοινοποιώ επιστολή του Προέδρου της ΕΑΗΡ -European Asociation of Hospital Pharmacists, Dr Roberto Frontini, σύμφωνα με την οποία ζητά την άποψη του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ΠΕΦΝΙ Ένωσης, σαν μέλος της ΕΑΗΡ για το Αίτημα της

Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital pharmacists

να γίνει μέλος της ΕΑΗΡ.

Παρακαλώ πολύ να συζητηθεί, σαν ΕΠΕΙΓΟΝ το θέμα στο ΔΣ της ΠΕΦΝΙ Ένωσης και να με ενημερώσετε σχετικά ώστε να στείλω την απάντησή σας στην ΕΑΗΡ το ταχύτερο δυνατόν.

Ευχαριστώ για τη συνεργασία,

Λεωνίδας Τζίμης


Leonidas Tzimis 24 Ιούνιος 2009 6:13 μμ
Προς: “Frontini, Roberto” 
Κοιν.: Catherine Hartmann , PEFNI – ΠΕΦΝΙ Γραμματέας , AVGERINOS Nikos , DEDE Zoi , LAKKAS Nikos , MAKRIDAKI Despina , TSIATA Aikaterini , TSIKALAKI Irene , VAIOPOYLOS Apostolos

Dear Dr. Roberto Frontini,

Please find attached a letter from the Panhellenic Association of Hospital Pharmacists, concerning your email asking for the opinion of our Association for the application for membership by the Panhellenic Scientific Union of Greek Hospital Pharmacists to the EAHP.

In case the letter it’s not well readable (it’s a scan printout), below you can find the text of the letter!





99 Mihalakopoulou street, 11527 Athens Tel/Fax: +30-21-7753104

Homepage: http://www.pefni.gr Email: pefni@ath.forthnet.gr


Athens 24/06/2009


No Prot. 179

Dear Dr. Roberto Frontini, President of EAHP,

Concerning your email asking for the opinion of the Board of the PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS for the request for application as a member to EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS from the PANHELLENIC SCIENTIFIC UNION OF GREEK HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS, we would like to inform you that:

There are many active Scientific Societies in Greece, like PANHELLENIC SCIENTIFIC UNION OF GREEK HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS or PANHELLENIC SOCIETY OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS and others who are scientific and not professional bodies.

PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS (ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΑ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΦΑΡΜΑΚΟΠΟΙΩΝ ΝΟΣΗΛΕΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΙΔΡΥΜΑΤΩΝ) is the only officially recognised by the Greek Republic, PROFESSIONAL UNION, having also scientific activities, of all the Hospital Pharmacists working in the Hospital Pharmacies of the National Health System Hospitals in Greece. Our members are also members to many Scientific Societies in Greece.

PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS, as the only Professional Body of the Greek Hospital Pharmacists of the Greek National Health System, is an active member to the EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL PHARMACISTS since 1988.

Please don’t hesitate to ask for more info,

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Nikos Lakkas, President

Irene Tsikalaki, MSc, Secretary General


With kind regards,

Dr Leonidas TZIMIS, RPharm, PhD

Director of External Relations, Greek Association of Hospital Pharmacists (PEFNI)
Head of Greek Delegation, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)

Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 
Τετάρτη, Ιούνιος 24, 2009