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Dear EAHP Congress Participants and Sponsors,
We thank you for your continued support of the EAHP Congress, which we highly appreciate. In this extremely challenging time of the COVID-19 outbreak and, as of yesterday, March 11, pandemic, EAHP has been closely monitoring the problem and has been in constant communication with the Swedish authorities regarding the COVID-19 situation. After much consideration, we are extremely sad to announce the postponement of EAHP’s 25th Anniversary Congress, which was scheduled to take place in Gothenburg, Sweden from 25-27 March 2020. 
We are sure that like EAHP, sponsors and participants will be disappointed as this was planned to be a celebratory event.
EAHP will now seek to reschedule the event for a later date, precise timing and venue still to be determined based on the COVID-19 pandemic development and on venue availability.
EAHP’s primary concern is the safety of both participants, sponsors, committees and all of those who had planned to attend the Congress along with the investment that all have made to be present.
There has been so much uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and the situation has been changing daily regarding the travel restrictions imposed by national authorities, hospitals and sponsor companies. A lot of our colleagues have been already cancelling their participations due to restrictions applicable in their home countries.
The final decision was made today based on the announcement made yesterday by the Swedish Government to ban gatherings of over 500 people and quickly growing risk for all possible participants. Conferences and congresses are explicitly mentioned as some examples of banned gatherings and those who violate the ban may be fined or imprisoned. This is a unique decision and no Swedish government has ever made use of this opportunity before.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a force majeure situation, which is outside of our control and certainly could not have been foreseen when preparing the congress over the last 2 years. This extreme situation and the Swedish government’s decision leaves EAHP with no other choice than to suspend the organization of the congress until new circumstances allow EAHP to organize the congress.

We are very thankful for the support that has already been shown to us by sponsors and participants alike given that EAHP’s annual Congress is the highlight of the year for many. 

Committed to providing professional education

EAHP, like all of you, will feel the impact of this decision and we want you to know that we’re fully committed to providing the educational content you have all come to know and value. The success of the Congress is the key element in providing other educational programs, grants and projects which many of you may be aware of.
We will keep you posted as soon as we have more information and we thank everyone in advance for your understanding and wish you, your families, colleagues, patients and companies the best during this critical time.
The EAHP Team
Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 
Πέμπτη, Μάρτιος 12, 2020