2nd EAHP Synergy Certification Course postponed

Update from PEFNI about the the 2nd EAHP Synergy Certification Course (and 11th Congress of Panhellenic Association of Hospital Pharmacists)
Dear Colleagues and Partners,
We would like to inform you that due to current problems from the COVID-19 pandemic and the slow return to normality, we are obliged to postpone the 2nd EAHP Synergy Certification Course as well as the 11th PEFNI Congress, scheduled to take place in Ioannina Greece on 18th July 2020 and 16-19/7/20 respectively.
PEFNI will now seek to reschedule these events for a later date in 2021. You will be informed in time about the new dates.
We are grateful to all speakers for accepting our invitation to participate in our scientific event and EAHP staff for support.
We are looking forward to welcome you all in Greece next year.
Best regards,
Despoina Makridaki
PEFNI President